torsdag 31. mai 2012

31. May Grand Canyon

June 01: Update. Added pictures. We saw Elk, deer, raven, vultures and different small animals. But most of all we saw mountains in sunrise and mountains in sunset.

May 31. : We have been on a Sunrise Tour (got up at 4:00), been for a long walk and taken the bus about a mile to get to the Park Center. The Wi-Fi is a little bit better here, but picture upload is still impossible. We will see what we can do tomorrow from Bryce Canyon.

30. May The Arizona desert

June 01: Updated with pictures.

May 30: We drove from Las Vegas, over the Hoover Dam, through the deserts and over the mountains to Grand Canyon, The interntet connection here is so slow we will have to wait with furter uploads.

tirsdag 29. mai 2012

29. May Las Vegas

This building (The Flamingo Hilton Hotel) needs a special comment:
In 1991, my company had a contract for the automation of all garbage handling systems on the world's largest cruice ship Sovereign of the Seas. Since a cruice ship is nothing but a floating hotel, this led to a job for automation of the garbage systems in Flamingo Hilton as well. I did the programming, and went over in the middle of the summer to stay one week for commissioning. The leftovers and other kitchen garbage is ground to a pulp and pumped to another building 0.5 miles down the road, where the water is extracted and the rest is transported on trucks to incinerators somewhere. When I got there, the first thing they had to do was to dig a big hole in the street to fix a blocked pipe. Then a lot of the cables turned out to have been wired incorrectly. We had to cancel the holiday in Finland and after 5 weeks I was able to return home.

mandag 28. mai 2012

28. May Last train to Las Vegas

Even after several days on the train, we are not the least bit bored. Today we went from Emeryville to Bakersfield by train and to Las Vegas by bus.

søndag 27. mai 2012

27. May San Fransisco

We were walking all day in the streets of San Fransisco. Since today is Memorial day tomorrow, and they were celebrating the 75th year old Golden Gate bridge, it was packed with people. There was aeroplanes writing congratulations in the sky and a huge bunch of sealions on the floating wharfs. We missed the fireworks.

26. May The Sierras - Emmeryville

 Another day on the train. As soon as we crossed the Californian border, it started raining. Sunny California did not turn out quite as we had expected.

Some comments overheard

........   yeah,sure, theyv'e got mountains over there
.........  oh yeah, the Sierras
......... if it's ten thirty, this gotta be Reno
....... then I asked him: how are you suppoesd to keep the terrorists from taking over our trains if you only select passengers at random for security checks. Well I sure hope you select the right persons!
..... then after about a year you can take her to the Temple
..... sure I can box it up for you, and would you need some silverware too? ... plastic silverware (box er det samme som en doggybag)

Litt om kommentarer og tekniske ting

Takk til alle som leser det vi skriver om. I dag slo vi den forrige rekorden som var på 30 page-views pr dag. Den spratt rett opp i 52! Jeg tror de er fordi det er helg og folk sitter å kjeder seg litt.

Det kommer inn enkelte kommentarer, og jeg er glad for å kunne si at de aller fleste er positive. Ikke en kritisk røst før i dag. Kristian etterlyser facts om hestekrefter og bilmerker. Jeg bøyer meg i støvet og tar selvkritikk for å ha glemt å notere ned slike vitale fakta, men for meg ble sletta rett og slett for stor. Tenkte ikke på å gi gass. Vi var mer opptatt av naturfenomenet enn av hestekreftene.

Jeg har ved flere anledninger forsøkt å svare på ommentarene. Det faller ikke like heldig ut bestandig. Noen ganger dukker svaret opp 2 ganger. En annen gang klarte jeg å få slettet hele kommentaren. Jeg jobber stadig med å forbedre teknikken og har funnet ut hvis jeg skriver svar på kommentarene mens jeg er logget inn for å redigere, skjer de ofte at nettleseren henger seg opp og det kan føre til en masse kvalm.

Etter å ha kjøpt en USB/SD-card adapter, klate jeg å overføre video i MOV-format. (Hvis du ikke vet hvem MOV-format er, kan du hoppe videre til neste avsnitt) Padden spiller filene prikkfritt og Google Blogger godtok at jeg lastet opp en snutt i gårsdagens innlegg. Men når jeg ser på innlegget med Google Chrome eller ASUS nettleser, har ikke padden noen plu-in for å vise videoen.

Jeg ville derfor gerne spørre alle dere trofaste lesere om dere kan spille av gårdagens video fra orgel-øvelsen, og gi litt info om hva slags PC/pad og nettleser det funker eller ikke funker på. Hvis noen i tillegg skulle ha et tips om hvordan jeg kn gjøre dette bedre ville det være helt supert.

lørdag 26. mai 2012

25. May at Salt Flats

                 "A day at the beach"  ...... but where is the water. 
After getting several advices from friendly people in the city, we decided to rent a car and drive the 117 miles to the Bonneville Flats. Some 32 000 years ago (  Lake Bonneville  ).  This was the most spectcular day on the trip so far. And thanks to the Italian restaurant Buca di Beppo we got our best meal so far in the US. Greetings to Natalie (who served us)  and her grandmother (who is from Norway)

fredag 25. mai 2012

24. May Salt Lake Ci

Top of the Mormon Temple

May 26: Updated.
The city is open, wide spread out, not very tall and extremely clean; and the Light Train down town is free. We were surprised by the size of the Mormon Temple (that took 40 years to buld)  and everything else, epecially the organ pipes in Tabernacle Choir building.  And the building itself - the concert hall seated 4600+.

May 25: Today no time for  writing, just added a few pictures from the City and inside the Tabernacle Choir Building.
Rehearsals from 8 to 9:30 twice a week. Everyone welcome. No fees, no tickets. The UTA light train is also free down town.

torsdag 24. mai 2012

23. May from somewhwere in the Mid West to Salt Lake City

Eating, sleeping, reading and watching the magnificent view.

Svar på konkurransene

Det var mange som visste at rulledingsen heter "segway".
Hilde visste også at sitatet var fra Arlo Guthries vidunderlige "Alices Restaurant".

And with tears in our eyes we drove off into the sunset looking for another place to dump the garbage.

Nyskjerrig på hv dette hanler om?            
                       Sang uten video men bra lyd

.....  eller sjekk ut hva det handler om her:


22. May from Chicago to somwhere in the Mid West

This morning I only had time to upload some pictures before checking out and leaving for the Union Station. We checked in on first class (Sleeper) and the trip to Salt Lake City is going to be some 37 hours. Our train is the California Zephyr. (Zephyr was the god that brought the western winds to ancient Greece) So far, most of what we see have been unbelievably flat farmland with a few woods, rivers and swamps and deer. Then it went dark outside and we will be put to bed soon.

A few words every day

You would not think it should be very difficult to write a few words each day. It isn't, but the real problem is finding out which words to write.

tirsdag 22. mai 2012

21. May in Chicago

May 24: Have updated with a Norwegian text about the boat-trip and other thoughts about Chicago.

May. 22: No time for writing now. Just uploading pictures. Will put in text later.  

20. May Norway to Chicago

 After a walk in the Buffalo Rock park in Ottawa, Norway was revisited, and then driving to Chicago. The rental car was returned, and then down-town by train to the hotel. It ended with food and music at Andy's.

søndag 20. mai 2012

19. May Driving to Norway IL

The towns over here have all kinds of exotic names like Egypt, Lebanaon, Ottawa, Stavanger and Marseilles, but one of them seemed more familiar than the others . . . . 

fredag 18. mai 2012

17. Mai in Gettysburg

What do two Norwegians do in Gettysburg on May 17? We are too few to form a parade, but luckily there was a place where we could go to feel some real togetherness. The music was a little different from what we would have heard i Norway, but ........

fredag 11. mai 2012

Engelsk og norsk

As the observant reader may have observed, each day starts with a small English text. If you click "Les mer.." the Norwegian text and the pictures turn up.