mandag 18. juni 2012

How to get an upgrade without paying?

Vi sitter på flyplassen med boarding-pass på bissniss. Det som skjedde var følgende:
  • Vi startet innsjekking på vanlig måte over internett på hotellet.
  • Plutselig får vi tilbud om å kjøpe oppgradering til kr 2294,-
    Oh jess! 
  • Sidsel var i tvil om tilbudet gjalt oss begge eller bare henne som går der å breier seg med Flying Blue Silver Frequent Flyer medlemskort.
  • Derfor kjøpte vi oppgradering til meg først og sjekket inn
  • Da vi skulle sjekke inn Sidsel fikk vi ikke det samme tilbudet om igjen.
  • Vi prøvde å ringe KLM Norge, Nederland og på Dulles, men de kunne ikke gjøre noe med saken. Jeg hadde sete foran og hun laaaangt bak.
  • Det eneste vi kunne gjøre var å ta saken opp når vi sjekket inn fikk vi beskjed om.
  • De begynte å forklare oss at det var fullt foran.
  • Da sa jeg "OK. Skaff oss plass sammen bak på økonomi, så er det greit, men da jeg vil da bestride regningen fra MasterCard for min oppgradering. Vi skal sitte sammen og Sidsel  må ha plass ut mot midtgangen. Ondt både her og der vet du. Særlig i dag.
  • Så gikk det lang tid (10 min) og så var det blitt plass foran likevel.
    No extra charge. To bissniss for prisen av en billig oppgradering.
Ikke verst ?

That's it

Trip is finished.
There will no more posts in this blog, with a possible exception of some pictures from Tønsberg (Osebergskipet) in a few days.

15. June Nordic Heritage Museum in Old Ballard(Seattle)

 Some pictures from the unique museum can be found 
below. (But why is the Swedish flag bigger than the Norwegian?)

torsdag 14. juni 2012

14. June in Edmonds

Spending the day with Sidsel's relatives in Edmunds. We had tickets for a tour in the Boeing factory. We saw the assembly line for Boeing 747, 777 and 787 (DreamLiner). Price: from 270 - 330 million dollars. You need to book months in advance to get tickets. No cameras were allowed inside the factory, but in the museum outside it was OK.

13. June Driving from Nampa to Edmonds /Seattle

First a warm tank you to Terje and Valerie for taking good care of us. We look forward to seeing you in Norway in August. The drive through Oregon and Washington was nice, but the weather changed and it became cooler. We are sad to have to return the car tomorrow before flying back to Washington DC. Then Sidsel will go to the dentist on Monday, and we will be on our way back to Oslo soon.

Here are just a few things we saw from the road. Mnt Rainer and Mnt St Helens were    covered in clouds, but we saw Mnt Adams from a distance.

tirsdag 12. juni 2012

12. June Nampa, spending time with the family

We went to visit the Snake River Birds of Prey Conservation Area. We saw no eagles, but took a number of pictures of the beautiful valley. I could not decide what pictures to select for upload, so I give you all of them. 

This is how QuickPic shows the overview of today's pictures.

mandag 11. juni 2012

10.June Silver City

Silver City is a mining town outside Boise. The gold rush here ended about 1890 and the town slowly diminished. Now more people are using it for recreation , fixng the old houses, but it is till pretty much a gohst town.
Pictures will be uploaded later.